

How To Get The Official Social Media Managers Toolkit

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When investing in business tools, we know you take some time to consider your options, and we do the same. But we also know how valuable The Social Media Managers Toolkit will be to your business. So, we want to help you invest in it without breaking the bank.

We are so confident that The Social Media Managers Toolkit will benefit you and your business that we are willing to put in the effort to help you raise funds to access it.

In this article, we're giving you 4 ideas with clear steps to bring some quick cash into your business.

Of course, these strategies can be used any time you need to bring in some income, regardless of what you spend it on!

Idea one: Use your knowledge to help others.

You know about social media, right? Otherwise, people wouldn't want you to be their social media manager.  And you probably have people in your network who are either never going to hire a social media manager or who can't afford to right now.  These are the people you can sell something to right now.

When Laura M needed to raise some quick cash in 2019, she hosted an online Instagram stories training course and, with very little promotion, raised over £500 in a week.  She did similar with a Facebook ads masterclass to make £550 in a weekend a while later – so this really does work!

Here's how you can do that right now.

1. Pick your topic.  Make it simple and focused. Don't overcomplicate things, or you'll put people off.  That's why the Instagram stories training worked so well; it focused purely on one thing – Laura could have pitched an Instagram masterclass, but that would have been overwhelming to create and participate in. So, by focusing on one small aspect, you can quickly identify people who would benefit from it and explain the benefits.

Here's some simple masterclass ideas:

  • How to get more engagement on your Instagram stories.
  • Creating short-form video – a 60-minute deep dive into using the Reels/TikTok builder.
  • How to write a compelling LinkedIn profile that helps you get more leads.
  • Simple steps to grow and manage a Facebook group

2. Set your price. If your plan is to buy The Social Media Managers Toolkit, that's your revenue target, so work backwards when setting your price.

It might be tempting to sell this for as little as £10, but that means you'll need to find a lot of people to hit your target, and it might be easier to find fewer people at a higher price. Remember to value your time and expertise. You are the expert, and these people need you!

Do you need to make a little extra? Why not offer a VIP upgrade option as well with an additional bonus? Maybe a limited number of 1:1s with you on something related to the training.

3. Set a date and time. Remember that your audience may work full-time, so lunchtimes or evenings can work well. You can also offer a recording to people who can't join live—the easiest way to do this is to put it into a Google Drive and give them the share link.

4. Promote it. Send a personal invitation to people who you know will benefit from this, explaining the reason you're doing it and how they'd benefit—make them feel like it was created specifically for them! Promote it on all your platforms and to your email list if you have one. Keep promoting it until you have enough people to hit your revenue target (and then keep going if you want to!).

5. Plan and host the training. We always advise you to sell your training before you spend time creating it. That way, you can validate it as a viable offer and ask your buyers exactly what they want to learn so you can give them what they need. So until you've got the money in the bank, don't waste time on fancy slides, a quick outline in a note book is sufficient to get going.

6. Sell the recording to make extra money afterwards if you haven't hit your target.

Idea Two:  Get your client to pay for it.

You already know that The Social Media Managers Toolkit provides templates and tips to provide various services, including one-off services like audits and strategies.

And as soon as The Social Media Managers Toolkit is in your hands, you'll be able to confidently provide these services to clients.  So why not find the clients now?

Getting payment in advance means the client is paying for The Social Media Managers Toolkit to allow you to provide them with the service they need.

Once they have paid your invoice, you can grab The Social Media Managers Toolkit and start work!  The templates will make all of this far easier for you, and you'll be able to present your strategy or audit in a professional way, which could lead to more work.

Plus, you'll have access to all our organic and paid marketing courses, so you'll feel totally confident in what you deliver!

Idea Three: Become an affiliate

We offer an affiliate scheme for The Social Media Managers Toolkit, giving you a valuable payout for every sale made via your unique link. You can become an affiliate once you have invested in The Toolkit and could make the cost of it in no time.  One of our affiliates made over £850 in just over a month.

There are plenty of other options for affiliate schemes, so find something your network wants or needs and see if you can be an affiliate for that too.

Idea Four: An offer they can't refuse

Rather than trying to find new customers, put together a really attractive deal or offer you can send out to your existing ones. These are your hottest leads; they already love you and have bought from you, so they know the quality of what you offer.  They will feel special because you're only offering this to them.

There’s a good chance that your clients will want to take advantage of this offer, even if they don't need it right now, Because it's a really good deal that you know they need.  Put a deadline on the offer to encourage them to make a quick decision.

BLOG: Write an awesome social media audit and win more clients

FREE GUIDE: How to find clients


Before you rush off...

We love watching you succeed more than we love binge watching Love Island, which is a lot #confession.

We’ve been where you are today... we launched (and still run) two successful social media freelance businesses and joined forces to help you do the same.

Hi, we are The Two Lauras

The exact steps to take if you need a client right now



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